

The winds of change

“What a bad weather!” I hear the neighbor say, without being aware of what rain and wind does for us.

Our collective has been under the spell of these measures for 2 years, fear is being spoonfed to us. A lot of nasty energy around us.

What does rain and wind have to do with this?

“The winds of change”

Our planet has come to a turning point, better times are coming. The wind and rain take all this heavy energy with them. Get ready because change is coming. We step out of the dark energy into a lighter energy.

Also numerologically we will go through a gate of change in 2 days. On 22/02/2022 (or 66) we leave the chaos of the number 5 behind us to step into a renewed harmonic energy of the number 6.

If we are going to look at the 7 Universal Laws, 1 of them clearly applies here. This is The Law of Rhythm.

Everything ebbs and flows, everything has its tides. All things rise and fall. The pendulum movement manifests itself in everything. In case you haven’t noticed, the universal laws all work together. In everything that manifests itself, there is a measured movement; a pendulum-like movement between the two poles that exist in accordance with the Law of Polarity. There is always an action and reaction, an advance and retreat, a rise and fall. This is so in all matters of the universe.

The key to this principle is learning how to use it instead of being used by it. Knowing that each up has its coming down will help you prepare for it better. The ebb and flow is a natural dance that can’t be stopped or changed, but you can learn to “go with the flow” and not allow the change to affect you in a negative way.

Also in our personal lives we notice that there are good times and less good times and it is not always easy to always feel good. Many factors play a role, but the most important is self-knowledge. How well do you know yourself and how aware are you of your thoughts?

Every human being is unique with his own personality. I would like to help you map out everything about yourself and to shine your light during the waves of life, in beautiful but also difficult moments.

Do you like to know more about your personality, astrology and everything about your unique numbers with numerology that gives you plenty of information and tools to really stand in your power?

Then make an appointment for spiritual coaching, I would like to welcome you with open arms and lots of love 🙂

nathan bright, 20 Feb 2022


One can feel God in everything around us. God is what connects us all, the love in our hearts, the empathy for everything that lives. Every living thing, every planet, are all 1.

We grow just like the trees with the minerals, air & water of our planet. When we die and are buried, we are reunited with the planet. New life will grow out of our bodies, when the trees absorb the water from our bodies and the animals and humans eat the fruits of the tree. It is the circle of life, it is the unity. We are all 1. We are all that is, all that ever was and all that will ever be.

When this is realized, you will find that “yourself as ego” is an illusion. Our ego identifies itself with the accumulation of everything it has experienced, does, possesses and has learned to the point of awakening. The ego thinks it needs things, fears things, and desires things. But it is only an illusion because we are all there is, so we have everything we will ever need.

Therefore, respect and love any living being because we are all 1. It can be difficult to understand, but when this is realized you will find God. You will rise after death and be immortal, albeit in a different form. There can be no life without death.
nathan bright, 23 Jan 2020
Conscious eating: Four questions

To become conscious about eating, you need to focus your attention. You need to strive to create a continuum of consciousness. Thus, the more aware you are of your relationship with food, the more possibilities you’ll have to improve.

Become aware of what you want and should eat before you eat and during and after the eating process. To do this, begin by asking yourself these four simple questions:

– Is my satisfaction with the way I relate to food high or low?
– How is the level of pleasure that food gives me during my eating process? High or low?
– Do I consume normal portions of food or do I usually choose a larger portion than normal?
– When I finish eating, do i feel happy or uncomfortable?

When you center your attention in answering these questions, you begin the process of conscious eating. Committing your awareness and attention is the path to a healthier diet. On the contrary, you’ll lose control over what you eat when your consciousness and your attention are elsewhere.

Watch an interesting video about nutrition below and become more aware of what you eat.
nathan bright, 13 Feb 2020


What is the ho’oponopono prayer?

Ho’oponopono is a shamanic-like Hawaiian prayer in which we repeat these 4 powerful key words to manifest forgiveness and healing for ourselves and others:

“I’m sorry”,
“Please forgive me”,
“Thank you” and
“I love you”.

It is a cleansing and purifying ritual that helps us achieve peace of mind. It is also a restorative exercise to help restore broken relationships and create harmony, balance and order in our lives by making amends with others and ourselves. The purpose of the ho’oponopono prayer is to eliminate all persistent negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are trapped in our psyche and burden us. By using these 4 magical phrases (I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you), we can easily let go of any guilt, regret or wrongdoing caused by our previous actions. It is a simple and effective way to find inner peace and live in harmony with the world around us.

nathan bright, 29 Jan 2022