

Before nathan discovered spirituality, he was an atheist and very skeptical. With fear of death and with the thought that his time here was very limited, his joy disappeared very quickly.

Spirituality came his way after 2 decades of being stuck with depression, loss and a very long-lasting stress situation. As an empath, he felt the energies and emotions of others very strongly without knowing how to deal with them. This caused a lot of confusion and caused him not to know what his own emotions were.

At the age of 28, he reached an all-time low point that meant that he had to completely get away from everything and everyone for a while.
Listening to his feelings, he spent a whole month alone from which he found the connection with himself again and awakened spiritually. (For those in the know: enlightenment through awareness of the unity of everything, as well as a kundalini awakening that activated the 7 main chakras including the third eye.)

He ended up in a world where he had to start from scratch and relearn everything he thought was true. He was aware that he was not his body and thoughts but a soul within a body. This was his redemption.

A whole new world opened up for him, he looked at and experienced life in a way that felt so new, light and euphoric that it became his mission to guide people in this.