Ayahuasca ceremony

Ayahuasca ceremony

What is Ayahuasca?

Ayahuasca has played a central role in religious and cultural traditions of more than 90 different indigenous tribes in the Amazon for millennia. This number becomes even more impressive when one considers that many of these tribes live thousands of miles apart and never seem to have had contact with each other. Within the philosophy of each tribe, one point remains consistent, namely that they originally learned about Ayahuasca and the science of plant medicine from the plants themselves. Ayahuasca is called the drink of the soul and seen as a gift from God. It is used as a holy sacrament.

Ayahuasca serves as a spiritual means for profound growth in consciousness, gives mental and physical insights and personal growth.

In the meantime, Ayahuasca has made the crossing and is effectively used here by healers, shamans and therapists. Just in this chaotic time of duality, digitization and individualism, Ayahuasca seems to be the natural counterpart to reintegrate balance, connection and deep consciousness into the human being.

Medicinal properties of Ayahuasca:

The medicinal properties of Ayahuasca are recommended for those diseases or ailments that current medical science cannot find an answer to that people suffer from. It should also be noted that this drink is not addictive or toxic, so consuming it does not bring any discomfort.

The healing properties of Ayahuasca are extensive and offer many benefits on a physical, mental-emotional and spiritual level. Similarly, the medicinal properties have been used for thousands of years by the indigenous tribes of Peru in rituals led by the shaman, due to its healing effects to correct the spiritual imbalance underlying the disease.

Scientists and doctors are currently studying the therapeutic properties of Ayahuasca for combating psychological problems and depression.

Ayahuasca gives an intensive, organic and psychological-spiritual cleansing. It is recommended in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and other pain. It has purifying properties that eliminate intestinal worms and parasites. It cleanses the colon where many diseases occur, one of which is colon cancer.

Ayahuasca diet and preparation:

We explain step by step how to prepare for an Ayahuasca ceremony, the preparation is very important so that you can get the full benefits in the physical, mental and spiritual.

The fundamental part of a correct diet and preparation for a ceremony is that the person comes with an open heart and without prejudice, only then will they find the cure and answers to what they are looking for.

Therefore, one of the ways to prepare for Mother Aya is to meditate a lot, walk outside, exercise, read books and anything that makes us feel good. In short, this test is part of the goal of Ayahuasca healing, where our intention lies. This will help us connect with our inner being to discover and know what we are looking for.

The most important thing as a diet and preparation before taking Ayahuasca is to eat healthy and balanced things that do not contain any pollutants. Do not eat meat at least 3 days before the ceremony (or eat fish if you can not resist), a good diet consists of fruits and vegetables. Avoid bread, bread is very difficult to digest and will hinder the healing process of Ayahuasca. Do not use drugs or alcohol. Avoid sex, you don’t want to waste your energy, this energy is needed for the healing process.

In short, if you can extend this diet by more days, you can achieve much better results, both physically, mentally and spiritually.

However, we are aware that in today’s world where we live, there are many factors that do not ensure a good diet, because in the cities there are many factors such as intensive work, poor nutrition (and fast food), lack of time, etc.. That is why we ask our participants to make a diet for the Ayahuasca ceremony at least 72 hours before taking the Ayahuasca so that the participant can receive the medicine in its pure essence. One of the recommendations for taking Ayahuasca is to take it easy, that is, give yourself some time daily in the previous weeks to think about the way you live your life, it helps tremendously to meditate to get closer to your essence. From this connection you can find your intention for the cerenomy.

With regard to medicinal products:

The people who want to participate in our ceremonies should keep in mind that some medications can interfere with the healing process with Ayahuasca, so we ask participants to consider the following: Please let us know what medications you are currently taking. We must have access to both your mental and physical health history.

The effects of Ayahuasca:

The most common effects of Ayahuasca are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, increased consciousness and it is considered one of the most powerful entheogens in the world. People who have taken it explain spiritual revelations and a greater awareness of themselves and of the universe. They then describe that phenomenon as a “before and after” in their lives. Ayahuasca is a medicinal drink and is used in some rehabilitation therapies to combat addictions, which is why its consumption has increased outside the Amazon forest in recent years. In recent decades, Ayahuasca has become very popular, a drink with therapeutic effects that were used many millennia ago by the peoples of the Amazon, to which they attributed mystical properties. In particular, they associated their consumption with the transit between the world of the living and that of the spirits.

Ayahuasca ceremonies:

Ayahuasca ceremonies open a connection with spirituality and self-healing guided by the icaros during a ritual in which it brings you to a deep state of meditation; feeling, experiencing and observing the connection with yourself at the same time, that way you can become aware of everything that is happening in your life. That’s when the change begins. Ayahuasca takes you to the deepest part of your spiritual being, reconnecting you with the knowledge and wisdom imprinted on our DNA, with psychic powers that allow you to travel to the past, present and future, because this plant teacher has a spirit and in the eye of the shaman is a healer. Ayahuasca is known and revered by all indigenous tribes of the Amazon as a “Master Plant”, due to its psychoactive nature, which directly induces modified states of consciousness that are illuminated by its visions (Trance) and forms the fundamental basis of its traditional medicine.

Contribution: €250 per day (Dates, location and possible overnight stay always in consultation.)


Individual ceremony

1 ceremony for 1 individual

€250 /day

  • Including preliminary phase
  • Meal of fruit & vegetables included
  • Overnight stay with breakfast possible (€50 /night extra)
  • Multiple ceremonies in a row possibly spread over several days
  • Including aftercare if necessary (30min consult)
  • Further aftercare or coaching can be booked at €75 /h

book now

Duo ceremony

1 ceremony for 2 people

€195 p.p. /day

  • Including preliminary phase
  • Meal of fruit & vegetables included
  • Overnight stay with breakfast possible (€50 /night extra)
  • Multiple ceremonies in a row possibly spread over several days
  • Including aftercare if necessary (30min consult)
  • Further aftercare or coaching can be booked at €75 /h

book now


1 ceremony of 4 to 8 people

€220 p.p.

  • 1 ceremony
  • Including preliminary phase
  • Meal of fruit & vegetables included
  • Includes 1 overnight stay with breakfast
  • Including group conversation for those who want this
  • Further aftercare or coaching can be booked at €75 /h

If you are a group of 4 to 8 people, you can make a reservation here or view the Events page if you are alone and wish to participate in a group ceremony.


2 ceremonies of 4 to 8 people

€395 p.p.

  • 2 ceremonies
  • Including preliminary phase
  • Meals of fruit & vegetables included
  • Includes 2 overnight stays with breakfast
  • Including group conversation for those who want this
  • Further aftercare or coaching can be booked at €75 /h

If you are a group of 4 to 8 people, you can make a reservation here or view the Events page if you are alone and wish to participate in group ceremonies.

If you have any questions or interest, you can contact me or call 0486/037 207.

What people say

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6 berichten.
SOPHIE schreef op 2 March 2022 om 12:43
Eindelijk de Real life ontmoeting... Al zo vaak hebben we elkaar gesproken via berichten en nu was de tijd er eindelijk klaar voor om elkaar in het echt te mogen ontmoeten. Het voelde onmiddellijk als een blij en vertrouwelijk (weer)zien... Ik had een afspraak gemaakt voor een zeer uitgebreide geboortehoroscoop reading (astrologisch, numerologie en persoonlijkheidsreading). Het was allemaal zo accuraat en super uitgelegd en aangevuld door Nathan. Het leek een simpele doch wel heel warme en leuke babbel ...Maar NU een dag later ervaar ik pas echt het volle effect. Dat wat we besproken hadden was zo kloppend...zo bevestigend dat het in mijn onderbewuste zoveel nieuwe Verbindingen gecreëerd heeft. Zoveel nieuwe Inzichten heeft het gegeven. Zoveel puzzelstukjes die nu pas echt samensmelten tot 1 nieuw geheel. Zo dankbaar om dit te mogen hebben ontvangen. Ik kijk al uit naar onze Ayahuasca Sessie. Dank je wel voor deze mooie en super Liefdevolle Begeleiding.
Wouter schreef op 16 February 2022 om 18:21
I took an online consult with Nathan, not quite sure what to expect as it was my first time for a spiritual reading. At that moment I was going through the most challenging time of my life, without seeing a way out. I can't say anything but that it was divine synchronicity that brought Nathan's skills on my path. He magically saw the unexpected solution and provided me with a strong spiritual connection for the rest of my life. I highly recommend Nathan's intuition and expertise to everyone.
Kristien schreef op 14 February 2022 om 14:21
Met veel nieuwsgierigheid maar ook met een klein hartje maakte ik een afspraak voor een spirituele coaching. Ik kwam meteen tot rust omdat Nathan de sessie langzaam opbouwde en ruimte liet voor mijn reflecties. Zijn inzichten in zowel psychologie als de spirituele dimensie zorgen voor een gefundeerd geheel waar je als klant kunt op bouwen. Hij geeft geen oplossingen maar laat je voelen en ervaren. Ik kreeg bevestiging en werd gesterkt in mijn vertrouwen in de weg die ik wil en voel dat ik moet gaan. Dankjewel!
Frederik schreef op 13 February 2022 om 08:36
Nathan legt de focus waar het nodig is en kan inwerken op je gevoel zodat je de rust zelf vindt. Zou het zeker aanraden!
Stef schreef op 12 February 2022 om 20:26
Top werk, Nathan.
Sabine Defour schreef op 12 February 2022 om 19:55
Nathan is een geweldige healer, hij kan je diepste gevoelens waarnemen en de juiste diagnose stellen. Zo bepaalt hij de gepaste behandeling die je klachten helpen genezen. Bedankt Nathan om er voor mij te zijn en mij de rust en zelfvertrouwen te geven in mijn hectisch leven!