What is Reiki?
Reiki means universal (Rei) life energy (Ki) and is a healing method that was rediscovered in Japan by the Japanese doctor Mikao Usui. Reiki is a natural way of healing in which life energy is passed on. The passing on can be done in different ways, but during a table treatment, the laying on of hands is used.
What does Reiki do?
Reiki ensures that energy can flow through your body and thus also dissolve energetic blockages. As soon as the energy can flow everywhere, the body activates its restorative capacity. Through this, Reiki can offer the body optimal support for many different problems.
What is possible with Reiki?
– Reduce pain – Faster recovery from bone fractures – Reducing stress – Disposal of waste – Breaking energy blockages – Faster recovery from inflammation – DNA restructuring – Opening the heart, feeling more love for yourself and others – Become more aware of what your body feels and needs – Healing from emotional pain / depression – Giving yourself more balance and bringing relaxation – …
How do I work?
Before I start the Reiki treatment, there is a brief discussion about what the complaints are. Based on that information, I will ensure that the energy can and will flow to where your body needs it. For this I always start with an energetic purification, followed by the Reiki chakra treatment so that the energy can certainly flow well to every part of the body. After that, I will work more specifically at the location of the complaints. For this I can also decide whether or not to use singing bowls and crystals. These offer a nice support and amplification of energy / vibrations for an optimal result.
Contribution: €60
Would you like to make an appointment for a treatment? Go to Contact or call 0486/037 207